Prostate Cancer

Compassionate Care and Expertise

Prostate cancer is a significant concern for men, and early detection and expert management are crucial. Dr. Krutik Raval, a renowned uro-oncologist at Uro-Care Hospital, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, offering personalized care and advanced treatment options.

Prostate cancer may present with subtle or no symptoms in its early stages. However, symptoms can include:

  • Urinary Changes: Difficulty starting or stopping urination, frequent urination, or blood in the urine.

  • Erectile Dysfunction: Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.

  • Pelvic Discomfort: Pain or discomfort in the pelvic area.

Diagnosis involves a combination of a thorough physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests, and imaging studies, such as MRI or ultrasound.

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Treatment Approaches by Dr. Krutik Raval

Dr. Raval utilizes a comprehensive approach to treat prostate cancer, considering the stage and characteristics of the disease:

  • Active Surveillance: Monitoring slow-growing cancers without immediate intervention.

  • Robotic-Assisted Prostatectomy: Minimally invasive surgery using robotic technology for precise removal of the prostate.

  • Radiation Therapy: Targeting cancer cells with focused radiation to shrink or eliminate tumors.

  • Hormone Therapy: Modifying hormone levels to control the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Personalized Care and Survivorship

Dr. Krutik Raval is committed to providing individualized care to enhance the patient's overall well-being:

  • Shared Decision-Making: Collaborating with patients to make informed decisions about their treatment plan.

  • Emotional Support: Recognizing the emotional impact of a prostate cancer diagnosis and offering support throughout the treatment journey.

  • Survivorship Programs: Focused on long-term health and well-being post-treatment, including regular follow-up and monitoring.

Initiate your journey towards prostate cancer care. Contact us at Uro-Care Hospital to schedule your consultation with Dr. Krutik Raval.


Our Treatments

Endo Urology

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Uro Oncology

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Reconstructive Urology

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Kidney Stone

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Kidney Cancer

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Our Testimonials

Wrong do point avoid by fruit learn or in death. So passage however besides invited comfort elderly be me.
Jacob Carroll
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Maud Moss
Give lady of they such they sure it. Me contained explained my education. Vulgar as hearts by garret.
Fanny Cunningham

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Book your appointment with Dr. Krutik Raval Now!